Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ironmen, Allergies, a Promise Fulfilled and Crazy-Ass Neighbors

So I haven't posted for several days now; Here's a quick recap of the last week. Thursday morning, I started my yearly side job at the Ford Ironman Coeur d Alene pushing Power Bar Products and handing out samples. I am always amazed at the people that do these things. I think with a little training I could complete any one leg of the triathlon (2.4 Mile Swim, 110 Mile Bike and 26.2 Mile Run), but to do them all back to back seems absolutely insane. It was a fun but tiring change of pace from the usual office work.

Allergies Suck! On Thursday night we took the dogs out for a quick run in the field and as they ran through you could see the clouds of grass pollen rising into the air. This should have been my first sign to turn back, but loving my pups as I do and enjoying the walk with my lovely wife, I said "I'll be fine...."

By the time we got home, I was sneezing uncontrollably and couldn't breathe through my nose. Every time I tried to clear my nostrils out, I set off another fit of sneezes. After a heavy dose of Benedryl I stayed up waiting for it to kick in... It never did. At one point I contemplated going to the ER. I didn't sleep much that night and had a very long day at the Ironman, followed by a double header with my church league softball team. I got home around 9pm and was completely wiped. A wind storm on Saturday evening kicked up the dust and the pollen and an even worse asthma attack ensued through Sunday morning.

And then came the crazy-ass neighbors. Ally and I woke up Sunday morning with the intent to move the hot tub we had delivered, from the driveway to the back yard over about 100 feet of grass, dirt and gravel (I had a special desire to get it done because I promised her that if we moved back to the northwest, we would buy a hot tub). We had moved it about five feet before the wheel of the pallet jack became stuck and we were at a stand still. Then the neighbors two houses down, who had been drinking vodka since 9am the day before and who Ally and I were cursing the night before due to their blaring music and loud, drunken shouting, saw our struggles and offered to help. About a half hour later we had the hot tub in place and couldn't have done it without their help.

They also invited us to their BBQ that evening which we reluctantly accepted but ended up having a pretty good time and some really good food. I just feel sorry for the neighbors because for some reason they felt it necessary to have the music in the house up so high that we had to shout to hear each other as we sat outside.

I came home determined to have the hot tub up and running by the end of the night so as to fulfill my promise to my bride. After work the next day we got to enjoy our first soak in the new tub.

What a whirlwind of a few days, but there was good to come of it. I had gained a renewed motivation to workout, a great appreciation for our quiet neighbors, a sweet new hot tub, and... an addiction to Zyrtec.

Hopefully now as things calm back down, I can focus and get some quality thoughts out through this blog...

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