Saturday, September 6, 2008

@#%$^& Liars

I didn't have a chance to watch most of the DNC a couple weeks ago, but Ally and I watched quite a bit of the RNC last week. I have to admit, I was impressed by a few of the speeches, namely Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and John McCain. However, I do have to remind myself that anyone can make a good speech with weeks of preparation and the best speech writers in the world. I thought I'd better listen to a few of the DNC speeches too so I could really balance what was being said. So far, I've listened to all the DNC speeches with the exception of Obama. The only was I wasn't impressed with was Hillary's. She still seems bitter over losing to Obama.

Anyway, what I was extremely frustrated about is that BOTH sides seem to be caught up in the same old Washington politics. The GOP says Obama wants to raise taxes and they aren't going to and the Dems say McCain wants to raise taxes and they won't. Somebody is lying!! Or at least skewing the truth and not going into enough detail to make it clear.

These convention are a waste of time. They have all the time in the world to make strategy and make the perfect speech, hitting every important point and making sure to avoid the issues that could hurt them. When i comes down to it, what I am sure of, is that politicians are liars. They have to be, because of the ridiculous amount of mudslinging the other party will inevitably hit them with. If they aren't conniving and slippery, what chance do they have of winning.

Therefore, I think there are two key things that we need to base our presidential choice on... First, is the big picture, timeless issues. The only thing that the candidates seem to be really clear on are the issues like capital punishment, abortion, gay rights, etc. Vote for the candidate who is close to you on these issues and you will be making the right choice. They are cryptic about the economy, taxes and war so why not look at the things they are clear about.

Secondly, I think we need to look at the things a candidate says on the fly. Look at the things that come out of their mouths when they don't have the benefit of practicing speeches and advisers instructing them how to respond. This is the best way to make sure you are voting for the right person and not the person who is covering their flaws with the people working for him.

Don't vote Red or Blue, vote YOU!!


Ally said...

Don't Vote Red or Blue, Vote YOU!

Where can I get this bumper sticker?!

I have to say it is good to hear both sides and really listen to both RNC and DNC speeches. You're right that both sides are very good at stretching the truth and omitting what they know we don't want to hear.

Re-evaluating what I thought I knew...

Heather Olds said...

i hear ya loud and clear..sometimes i can get a bit apathetic re: politicians..u know, it's like choosing the lesser evil.
i feel that the 'big issues' (i.e. gay marriage, abortion rights, yadda yadda..) are just ways to distract us..
anyways, this is a discussion that is almost too big for the blogosphere..and i should get back to homework..can't wait to talk more about this!