Friday, September 5, 2008

Resultant "Languages"

If anyone has not read Gary Chapman's "Five Love Languages, " they should. The basic gist of it is that there a five different ways that people express love (Words of Affirmation, Deeds of Service, Physical, Gift Giving and Quality Time) and the best way for us to feel loved is when someone speaks our language. Understanding this and more importantly using it can greatly improve every relationship in a person's life. Ally and I were talking about this the other night and as she fell asleep, I kept thinking...

I think it can be taken a step further... In music when a root and a fifth is played perfectly in tune, a third tone can be heard two octaves and a third below the root. This is called a resultant tone. If one of the notes is not perfectly in tune, the resultant tone will not sound. While Ally and I have different love languages, I noticed that when we are really focused on speaking each other's language, a third language becomes equally important to us and we can speak it and understand it fluently as if it was our own. The closer we get to being perfectly in tune, the more important this third language becomes.

I started thinking about the parallel between music and love more and realized there are a lot of them. But for now, I need to go, so maybe I'll write more about those another time.

Thoughts and comments welcome


Anonymous said...

Love you baby =)

So, what are the third/resulting love languages? I know we talked about ours but is it different for each relationship?

Matt Olds said...

I agree. Music and love go together like crazy folks at WalMart.

The parallels can go on and on. It's why I write songs to/about my wife. It's why I sing on Sunday mornings.

Cool book too. I never read the whole thing...just skimmed through it. Perhaps I shall go back and check it out...