Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Latest Thought on Truth

You can always find/make a good argument to support what you want to be true. It bothers me when people are so quick to discredit a thought or idea from a worldview in conflict with Christianity because they say it is only trying to conform truth to that worldview's particular agenda. They usually discredit it by using some quote or idea from some fellow Christian (DOGMA DOGMA DOGMA). The problem with this is that the quote is obviously spoken/written by someone who is a passionate "fan" (which, as Colin Cowherd reminds us, is short for FANatic) of traditional Christianity. Therefore, logic would dictate that their statement is no more credible than the thought or idea they are seeking to discredit since they have just as much of an agenda as the other worldview.

I don't think we can rely on the judgment of other people to determine what is real because by nature, we ALWAYS have an agenda. I think everyone has a unique experience of God and no two people have the same experience. That means truth for me is different than what is truth for you or anyone else AND it means we can only understand that experience by listening to God and not to other people. I think that is why, while we should listen to what others have to say, we should try to keep the volume down because if we allow them to be to loud we may not be able to "hear" how God is really speaking to us.

I'm throwing in this picture of Nala because she is cute!!


Ally said...

I can think of a few agendas that I have for you ;)

I think you're right on key that you need to listen to the voice of God on your own... however, I do think he uses people and 'things' as part of the way he communicates with us earthlings. Not all the time, and we must use discernment in what we think is from him, but also we also shouldn't have the volume on mute all the time, ya know.

Our little daughter is so cute and ugly. (Hope she has her volume turned down right now.)

Matt Olds said...

I agree with you on the agenda stuff. Everyone, including me, has one...and people tend to push them on others...

In regards to truth...and this may be my agenda...I believe it comes back to the bible...and what it says is true.

I have trouble with the 'my truth, your truth' thing. I tend to think if truth is everything...then truth is nothing.

But I do agree that your dog is cute.

P.S. McCain should get his act together...ridiculous.

mysticmama said...

NALA is all we need! Nala is the symbol of black and white. Beauty!